Source code for epic_kitchens.metrics

from abc import ABC
from typing import (
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging

from epic_kitchens.meta import (
from epic_kitchens.scoring import compute_action_scores, scores_dict_to_ranks
from . import meta

T = TypeVar("T")

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Metric = str
Task = str
MetricsDict = Dict[Metric, Any]

[docs]def compute_metrics( groundtruth_df: pd.DataFrame, scores: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, Dict[int, float]]], many_shot_verbs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, many_shot_nouns: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, many_shot_actions: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, action_priors: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> MetricsDict: """Compute the EPIC action recognition evaluation metrics from ``scores`` given ground truth labels in ``groundtruth_df``. Args: groundtruth_df: DataFrame containing ``verb_class``: :py:class:`int`, ``noun_class``: :py:class:`int`. This function will add an ``action_class`` column containing the action ID obtained from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.action_id_from_verb_noun`. scores: Dictionary containing: ``'verb'``, ``'noun'`` and (optionally) ``'action'`` entries. ``'verb'`` and ``'noun'`` should map to a 2D :py:class:`np.ndarray` of shape ``(n_instances, n_classes)`` where each element is the predicted score of that class. ``'action'`` should map to a dictionary of action keys to scores. The order of the scores array should be the same as the order in ``groundtruth_df``. many_shot_verbs: The set of verb classes that are considered many shot. If not provided they are loaded from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.many_shot_verbs` many_shot_nouns: The set of noun classes that are considered many shot. If not provided they are loaded from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.many_shot_nouns` many_shot_actions: The set of action classes that are considered many shot. If not provided they are loaded from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.many_shot_actions` action_priors: A ``(n_verbs, n_nouns)`` shaped array containing the action prior used to weight action predictions. Returns: A dictionary containing all metrics with the following structure:: accuracy: verb: list[float, length 2] noun: list[float, length 2] action: list[float, length 2] precision: verb: float noun: float action: float recall: verb: float noun: float action: float Accuracy lists contain the top-k metrics like so ``[top_1, top_5]``, the precision and recall metrics are macro averaged and computed over the many-shot classes. Raises: ValueError If the shapes of the ``scores`` arrays are not correct, or the lengths of ``groundtruth_df`` and the ``scores`` arrays are not equal, or if ``grountruth_df`` doesn't have the specified columns. """ if many_shot_verbs is None: many_shot_verbs = np.array(list(meta.many_shot_verbs())) if many_shot_nouns is None: many_shot_nouns = np.array(list(meta.many_shot_nouns())) if many_shot_actions is None: many_shot_action_ids = np.array(action_tuples_to_ids(meta.many_shot_actions())) else: many_shot_action_ids = np.array(action_tuples_to_ids(many_shot_actions)) for entry in "verb", "noun": class_col = entry + "_class" if class_col not in groundtruth_df.columns: raise ValueError("Expected '{}' column in groundtruth_df".format(class_col)) groundtruth_df["action_class"] = action_id_from_verb_noun( groundtruth_df["verb_class"], groundtruth_df["noun_class"] ) if "action" not in scores: (clip_verbs, clip_nouns), clip_scores = compute_action_scores( scores["verb"], scores["noun"], top_k=100, action_priors=action_priors ) scores["action"] = [ { action_id_from_verb_noun(verb, noun): score for verb, noun, score in zip(verbs, nouns, scores) } for verbs, nouns, scores in zip(clip_verbs, clip_nouns, clip_scores) ] ranks = scores_dict_to_ranks(scores) top_k = (1, 5) accuracies = compute_class_aware_metrics(groundtruth_df, ranks, top_k) precision_recall_metrics = compute_class_agnostic_metrics( groundtruth_df, ranks, many_shot_verbs, many_shot_nouns, many_shot_action_ids ) return { "accuracy": { "verb": accuracies["verb"], "noun": accuracies["noun"], "action": accuracies["action"], }, **precision_recall_metrics, }
[docs]def compute_class_aware_metrics( groundtruth_df: pd.DataFrame, ranks: Dict[str, np.ndarray], top_k: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]] = (1, 5), ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, Union[float, List[float]]]]: """Compute class aware metrics (accuracy @ 1/5) from ranks. Args: groundtruth_df: DataFrame containing ``'verb_class'``: :py:class:`int`, ``'noun_class'``: :py:class:`int` and ``'action_class'``: :py:class:`int` columns. ranks: Dictionary containing three entries: ``'verb'``, ``'noun'`` and ``'action'``. Entries should map to a 2D :py:class:`np.ndarray` of shape ``(n_instances, n_classes)`` where the index is the predicted rank of the class at that index. top_k: The set of k values to compute top-k accuracy for. Returns: Dictionary with the structure:: verb: list[float, length = len(top_k)] noun: list[float, length = len(top_k)] action: list[float, length = len(top_k)] """ verb_accuracies = topk_accuracy( ranks["verb"], groundtruth_df["verb_class"].values, ks=top_k ) noun_accuracies = topk_accuracy( ranks["noun"], groundtruth_df["noun_class"].values, ks=top_k ) action_accuracies = topk_accuracy( ranks["action"], groundtruth_df["action_class"].values ) return { "verb": verb_accuracies, "noun": noun_accuracies, "action": action_accuracies, }
[docs]def compute_class_agnostic_metrics( groundtruth_df: pd.DataFrame, ranks: Dict[str, np.ndarray], many_shot_verbs: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, many_shot_nouns: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, many_shot_actions: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Dict[Metric, Dict[Task, Union[np.float, Dict[str, np.float]]]]: """ Compute class agnostic metrics (many-shot precision and recall) from ranks. Args: groundtruth_df: DataFrame containing ``'verb_class'``: :py:class:`int`, ``'noun_class'``: :py:class:`int` and ``'action_class'``: :py:class:`int` columns. ranks: Dictionary containing three entries: ``'verb'``, ``'noun'`` and ``'action'``. Entries should map to a 2D :py:class:`np.ndarray` of shape ``(n_instances, n_classes)`` where the index is the predicted rank of the class at that index. many_shot_verbs: The set of verb classes that are considered many shot. If not provided they are loaded from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.many_shot_verbs` many_shot_nouns: The set of noun classes that are considered many shot. If not provided they are loaded from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.many_shot_nouns` many_shot_actions: The set of action classes that are considered many shot. If not provided they are loaded from :py:func:`epic_kitchens.meta.many_shot_actions` Returns: Dictionary with the structure:: precision: verb: float noun: float action: float verb_per_class: dict[str:float, length = n_verbs] recall: verb: float noun: float action: float verb_per_class: dict[str:float, length = n_verbs] The ``'verb'``, ``'noun'``, and ``'action'`` entries of the metric dictionaries are the macro-averaged mean precision/recall over the set of many shot classes, whereas the 'verb_per_class' entry is a breakdown for each verb_class in the format of a dictionary mapping stringified verb class to that class' precision/recall. """ if many_shot_verbs is None: many_shot_verbs = np.array(list(meta.many_shot_verbs())) if many_shot_nouns is None: many_shot_nouns = np.array(list(meta.many_shot_nouns())) if many_shot_actions is None: many_shot_actions = np.array(action_tuples_to_ids(meta.many_shot_actions())) many_shot_verbs = _exclude_non_existent_classes( many_shot_verbs, groundtruth_df["verb_class"] ) many_shot_nouns = _exclude_non_existent_classes( many_shot_nouns, groundtruth_df["noun_class"] ) many_shot_actions = _exclude_non_existent_classes( many_shot_actions, groundtruth_df["action_class"] ) verb_precision, verb_recall = precision_recall( ranks["verb"], groundtruth_df.verb_class, classes=many_shot_verbs ) noun_precision, noun_recall = precision_recall( ranks["noun"], groundtruth_df.noun_class, classes=many_shot_nouns ) LOG.debug( "{} many shot actions before intersecting with actions present in test".format( len(many_shot_actions) ) ) "{} many shot actions after intersecting with actions present in test".format( len(many_shot_actions) ) ) action_precision, action_recall = precision_recall( ranks["action"], groundtruth_df["action_class"], classes=many_shot_actions ) precision_many_shot_verbs = { str(verb): score for verb, score in zip(many_shot_verbs, verb_precision) } recall_many_shot_verbs = { str(verb): score for verb, score in zip(many_shot_verbs, verb_recall) } return { "precision": { "action": action_precision.mean(), "verb": verb_precision.mean(), "noun": noun_precision.mean(), "verb_per_class": precision_many_shot_verbs, }, "recall": { "action": action_recall.mean(), "verb": verb_recall.mean(), "noun": noun_recall.mean(), "verb_per_class": recall_many_shot_verbs, }, }
[docs]def topk_accuracy( rankings: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, ks: Union[Tuple[int, ...], int] = (1, 5) ) -> Union[float, List[float]]: """Computes top-k accuracies for different values of k from rankings. Args: rankings: 2D rankings array ``(n_instances, n_classes)`` labels: 1D correct labels array ``(n_instances,)`` ks: The k values in top-k Returns: Top-k accuracy for each ``k`` in ``ks``. If only one ``k`` is provided, then only a single float is returned. Raises: ValueError If the dimensionality of the ``rankings`` or ``labels`` is incorrect, or if the length of ``rankings`` and ``labels`` aren't equal. """ if isinstance(ks, int): ks = (ks,) _check_label_predictions_preconditions(rankings, labels) # trim to max k to avoid extra computation maxk = np.max(ks) # compute true positives in the top-maxk predictions tp = rankings[:, :maxk] == labels.reshape(-1, 1) # trim to selected ks and compute accuracies accuracies = [tp[:, :k].max(1).mean() for k in ks] if len(accuracies) == 1: return accuracies[0] else: return accuracies
[docs]def precision_recall( rankings: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, classes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Computes precision and recall from rankings. Args: rankings: 2D array of shape ``(n_instances, n_classes)`` labels: 1D array of shape = ``(n_instances,)`` classes: Iterable of classes to compute the metrics over. Returns: Tuple of ``(precision, recall)`` where ``precision`` is a 1D array of shape ``(len(classes),)``, and ``recall`` is a 1D array of shape ``(len(classes),)`` Raises: ValueError If the dimensionality of the ``rankings`` or ``labels`` is incorrect, or if the length of the ``rankings`` and ``labels`` are not equal, or if the set of the provided ``classes`` is not a subset of the classes present in ``labels``. """ _check_label_predictions_preconditions(rankings, labels) y_pred = rankings[:, 0] if classes is None: classes = np.unique(labels) else: provided_class_presence = np.in1d(classes, np.unique(labels)) if not np.all(provided_class_presence): raise ValueError( "Classes {} are not in labels".format(classes[provided_class_presence]) ) precision, recall, _, _ = precision_recall_fscore_support( labels, y_pred, labels=classes, average=None, warn_for=tuple("recall") ) return precision, recall
def _exclude_non_existent_classes(classes: np.ndarray, labels: pd.Series) -> np.ndarray: return np.intersect1d(classes, labels.unique()) def _check_label_predictions_preconditions( rankings: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray ) -> None: if not rankings.ndim == 2: raise ValueError( "Rankings should be a 2D matrix, but was {}D".format(rankings.ndim) ) if not labels.ndim == 1: raise ValueError("Labels should be a 1D vector but was {}D".format(labels.ndim)) if not labels.shape[0] == rankings.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Number of labels provided does not match number of predictions" )