Source code for epic_kitchens.gulp.adapter

import glob
import os
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Iterator

import pandas as pd
from gulpio.adapters import AbstractDatasetAdapter
from gulpio.utils import find_images_in_folder, resize_images

from epic_kitchens.labels import (

Result = Dict[str, Any]

[docs]class EpicDatasetAdapter(AbstractDatasetAdapter): """Gulp Dataset Adapter for Gulping RGB frames extracted from the EPIC-KITCHENS dataset """
[docs] def __init__( self, video_segment_dir: str, annotations_df: pd.DataFrame, frame_size: int = -1, extension: str = "jpg", labelled: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Gulp all action segments in ``annotations_df`` reading the dumped frames from ``video_segment_dir`` Args: video_segment_dir: Root directory containing segmented frames:: frame-segments/ ├── P01 │   ├── P01_01 │   | ├── P01_01_0_open-door │   | | ├── frame_0000000008.jpg │   | | ... │   | | ├── frame_0000000202.jpg │   | ... │   | ├── P01_01_329_put-down-plate │   | | ├── frame_0000098424.jpg │   | | ... │   | | ├── frame_0000098501.jpg │   ... annotations_df: DataFrame containing labels to be gulped. frame_size: Size of shortest edge of the frame, if not already this size then it will be resized. extension: Extension of dumped frames. """ self.video_segment_dir = video_segment_dir self.frame_size = int(frame_size) self.meta_data = self._transform_annotations(annotations_df, labelled) self.extensions = {"jpg", "jpeg", extension}
[docs] def iter_data(self, slice_element=None) -> Iterator[Result]: """Get frames and metadata corresponding to segment Args: slice_element (optional): If not specified all frames for the segment will be returned Yields: dict: dictionary with the fields * ``meta``: All metadata corresponding to the segment, this is the same as the data in the labels csv * ``frames``: list of :class:`PIL.Image.Image` corresponding to the frames specified in ``slice_element`` * ``id``: UID corresponding to segment """ slice_element = slice_element or slice(0, len(self)) for meta in self.meta_data[slice_element]: clip_id = self._segment_metadata_to_clip_id(meta) folder = os.path.join( self.video_segment_dir, meta[PARTICIPANT_ID_COL], meta[VIDEO_ID_COL], clip_id, ) paths = self._find_frames(folder) frames = list(resize_images(paths, self.frame_size)) meta["frame_size"] = frames[0].shape meta["num_frames"] = len(frames) result = {"meta": meta, "frames": frames, "id": meta[UID_COL]} yield result
def __len__(self): return len(self.meta_data) def _transform_annotations( self, annotations: pd.DataFrame, labelled: bool ) -> List[Dict]: data = [] for i, row in annotations.iterrows(): if labelled: assert not pd.isnull( row[VERB_CLASS_COL] ), "Row at index has no verb cluster".format(i) assert ( not len(row[VERB_COL]) == 0 ), "Row at index {} has empty verb".format(i) metadata = row.to_dict() if NARRATION_COL not in metadata: metadata[NARRATION_COL] = "unnarrated" metadata["uid"] = i data.append(metadata) return data def _segment_metadata_to_clip_id(self, meta): clip_id = "{video_id}_{uid}_{narration}".format( video_id=meta[VIDEO_ID_COL], uid=meta[UID_COL], narration=meta[NARRATION_COL].lower().strip().replace(" ", "-"), ) return clip_id def _find_frames(self, folder): frame_paths = find_images_in_folder(folder, formats=self.extensions) if not len(frame_paths) > 0: raise MissingDataException("{} is not present".format(folder)) return frame_paths
[docs]class EpicFlowDatasetAdapter(EpicDatasetAdapter): """Gulp Dataset Adapter for Gulping flow frames extracted from the EPIC-KITCHENS dataset"""
[docs] def iter_data(self, slice_element=None): slice_element = slice_element or slice(0, len(self)) for meta in self.meta_data[slice_element]: paths = self._find_uv_frames(meta) frames = {} for axis in "u", "v": frames[axis] = list(resize_images(paths[axis], self.frame_size)) meta["frame_size"] = frames["u"][0].shape meta["num_frames"] = len(frames["u"]) result = { "meta": meta, "frames": list(_intersperse(frames["u"], frames["v"])), "id": meta[UID_COL], } yield result
def _find_uv_frames(self, meta): clip_id = self._segment_metadata_to_clip_id(meta) folder = {} paths = {} for axis in "u", "v": folder[axis] = os.path.join( self.video_segment_dir, meta[PARTICIPANT_ID_COL], meta[VIDEO_ID_COL], axis, clip_id, ) paths[axis] = find_images_in_folder(folder[axis], formats=self.extensions) if not len(paths[axis]) > 0: raise MissingDataException("{} is not present".format(folder["u"])) return paths
def _intersperse(*lists): """ Args: *lists: Examples: >>> list(_intersperse(['a', 'b'])) ['a', 'b'] >>> list(_intersperse(['a', 'c'], ['b', 'd'])) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> list(_intersperse(['a', 'd'], ['b', 'e'], ['c', 'f'])) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] >>> list(_intersperse(['a', 'd', 'g'], ['b', 'e'], ['c', 'f'])) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] """ i = 0 min_length = min(map(len, lists)) total_element_count = len(lists) * min_length for i in range(0, total_element_count): list_index = i % len(lists) element_index = i // len(lists) yield lists[list_index][element_index]
[docs]class MissingDataException(Exception): pass